Content Comments


“ I like the part with the guy thats kind of being torn because he has friends that are officers and his daughter playing a part.”


“I just watched your video. It was amazing. I can’t wait to hear more. It was very informative, and it was great to see so many different point of views. It should definitely be longer lol”


“Conversations like those are always so fun to be a part of.  I never gave any thought to how I would explain things to my daughter when she had questions until that guy brought up how he had to explain it to his daughter and still keep her innocence. I’m glad y’all made that panel, people need to hear panels like that.”


“my friend in my group chat is like so who do they call if y’all ain’t calling the police lol” 


“So, this is awesome. I just wrote my 3L thesis about this very topic. I used some of the same analogies you guys used. Lynching, fugitive slave hunt, etc. Y’all are confirming for me that I was on the right track and I’m proud of y’all for having this “barbershop” talk.”


Finally got a moment to look at Fly on the Wall.  I love it!!! I hated to see each clip end. The content was so deep and I wanted more! Powerful!


I LOVE that! Awesome read! And you were such a cute kid lol


Can I just say that you are amazing!! I just read the open letter!


“Your website and series is bomb. Great job “


“Series definitely looks like a good one”
