Direct Messages, Clear Communication

An Ode to direct communication. Communication has widely progressed to a form of passiveness, subliminal, and apathetic.

With this capsule, the goal is to play on the entendre of “Direct Message” which is a popular form of communication in todays time.

Highlighting how the Direct Messaging within social media or text messaging hinders pure form of “Direct Messages”- clear communication and lacking passiveness, subliminal, and apathy.

As Black Fly is critical in the space of communication, we can inspire others into looking at the Double entendre of Direct Messaging in a very unique way. The goal would be to inspire our peers to communicate freely, yet direct. While in the same breathe, reducing direct messaging and communicating verbally, the purest form of communication.

16 oz heavyweight hoodie

Direct Messages, Clear Comunication

7.5 oz heavyweight t-shirt

Direct Messages, Clear Comunication

blue & Black Corduroy Hats

Direct Messages, Clear Comunication